Bishop B.C. McPherson II
It is by the power of (the) God, (the) Christ Jesus our Lord. God’s Holy Spirit and the constant enduring prayers of the faithful that has made the ministries of The Historic Mount Sinai MBC, and Sininian Ministries Inc. a blessing for over six decades, to so many. God be the glory for all the marvelous things HE has done by His Holy Spirit, through us who love him and are serving Him faithfully in the making of these 66 years of Sininian Ministry.
We celebrate a rich ministry history of labor, service, sacrifice and love unto the Lord. We celebrate an unbroken tradition of staying biblically based and Spiritually strong as Sinites in facing the many challenges and struggles of a progressive ministry, and because of that I thank God for the steadfastness of this congregation. Yes, we will continue to move forward by Faith!
Yours in the Service of Almighty God,
-Bishop Benjamin C. McPherson II
Doulos Iesous Christos
– (Slave of Jesus (the) Christ)

The R.A.W. Bishop
Bishop B.C. McPherson II, a native of Fort Worth Texas, has been the Shepard of the Historic Mount Sinai Baptist Church- Fort Worth, with the Grace of God, for over 30 years and counting.
He has been a long time mentor for many during his lifetime, as well as a Shining Beacon representing the community wherever he goes.

Bishop B.C. McPherson II
Our Bishop has been preaching and teaching the Word of God for 40 years. He is also the author of "R.A.W." (Real Alive Word) book.
Bishop has had several "R.A.W." cable shows, as well as hosted several radio shows teaching the Real Alive Word of God. Inclusive of the "R.A.W." radio show on 100.7 The Word. In addition to, Wilkinson Gospel Network, in select cities.

Servant of God
Bishop B.C. McPherson II has served as the First African American Vice President, of the Pastors Conference for the Southern Baptist of Texas State Convention.
Bishop B.C. has served as Nation Overseer of Christian Education, under the Elyon Covenant Alliance (ECA) .
Bishop B.C. has also proudly served in the United States Marine Corps for 12 years.